Champion Swiss

Application for organising chess tournaments

Pieza de caballo de ajedrez

Mobile scoring

Don't lose your temper. Referees will have the option to score from their mobile phone. The app will record who has scored each result and at what time.

User-friendly interface

We have worked on the design so that everything is easy and intuitive, you won't need to study any manual. No more diving through the options, everything is where it should be.

Online registration

Save time. Players can register directly from their mobile device. The app will notify you of new registrations and all you have to do is validate them conveniently.

Working with FIDE lists

No more need to download and import FIDE lists every month, the app will do it for you. Sort the initial ranking by switching between Standard, Rapid or Blitz lists with a single click, even after registering players.

Chat between referees

Communicate with your referee team directly from the app. Send individual or group messages during the tournament for better coordination.

New stand-alone mode

It will allow you to divide a tournament by ages where all categories share the same configuration, without the need to create different tournaments. You register the players, the application will do the rest.

Pieza negra y blanca de ajedrez

Are you ready for change?

Don't stay in the past, discover another way of organising chess tournaments

We are fans of this wonderful world of chess.
Thanks to the contribution of national and international arbiters we want to give a well-done alternative to Swiss Manager, Vega, Chess Manager, Swiss Perfect, Beta League, Gigaro, Protos, Swiss Chess, Swiss 46 Petunia.

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